Ethan is at Camp PALS as we speak. This has been a labor of love ever since I set my alarm for midnight to register for a highly coveted spot at camp. Camp PALS looked too good to be true.

Turns out it is too good ~ and it is true!!

The schedule is jam-packed with fun and frivolity. The pictures showing up on the Facebook Page are pure magic. Ethan has checked in several times via his brand new iPhone. Facetime and phone calls and texts assure him that we are all still here, but we are not coming to get him. It’s hard.

People ask ‘How is camp?’

Camp’s great! Ethan’s great! But truly Ethan’s counselor, Josh, is great. Ethan, as you recall, is not an easy person. Ethan is anxious and unsettled and has exhibited some of his more difficult behaviors. In response, Josh responds with the patience and steadfastness of  a freakin’ zen monk.


He has a sibling with DS. That’s comforting. He has exhibited genuine vested interest in having Ethan make it through this week, make friends, have positive social interactions and tackle this giant opportunity of independence. I simply cannot get over someone giving up a week of their life to make sure part of ours and Ethan’s is that much better.

EthanandJoshxI’m overwhelmed.

It is exciting that Ethan is having fun. It is even better that he is coping outside of his tightly controlled, Ethan-manufactured comfort zone. This is a humongous hurdle that on Tuesday night I was not sure we were going to clear. It’s Friday now. He’s nailin’ it ~ with Josh’s unwavering support, of course.

Ethan is battling uncomfortable feelings of being away. I am battling uncomfortable feelings of having him away. Here we are apart…

but so together.

See you on the flip side. Camp pick up is tomorrow 🙂


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